Image result for happy black history month

Today marks the beginning of 2018’s Black History month! I’m always curious to see how others choose to celebrate the month and black culture in general. I think the mandated public-school curriculum during February is always the worse. The teaching of Black American history passed down from the perspective of those who enslaved us can be slightly skewed. And the little-known black history facts, made popular by Tom Joyner, are no longer as scholarly and interesting as they once seemed.

So, unless I choose to take suggestions from online – which include reading Dr. King’s ‘I have a Dream’ speech while eating sweet potato biscuits – I need to figure out how to celebrate.

How can I celebrate the black culture that I live every day while acknowledging the past and how its events elevated an entire race from destitution? I have a few tricks up my sleeve.
It won’t be anything too flashy or unlike what you normally see here on my blog, I guess it’s because 

I attempt to celebrate Black History month every day – a concept that many plenty have advocated, and many are now succeeding at.

And although I must admit that I am slightly intrigued by this sweet potato biscuit recipe (and you might see a post about my first experience with them), hopefully I can come up with thoughtful topics of discussion, more little-known facts, and any information that can motivate the fervor of our ancestors into our lives; we need it now more than ever.


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