Jonestown and Peoples Temple – A Black Woman’s Refuge Turned Cult
Don’t drink the Kool-Aid. I don’t remember the first time I heard the phrase, or who said it to me, but instinctually knew its meaning due to context clues. Don’t blindly follow the masses. What was lost upon me was the connotation and the history behind the phrase itself. It wasn’t until the idiom was used about my mom’s religious denomination – Jehovah’s Witnesses – that I began to question what was wrong with said Kool-Aid. “A cult committed suicide by drinking poisonous Kool-Aid,” a friend explained, “Why a group of people would do that, is beyond me.” But it wasn’t just a group killing, it was a massacre. In fact, up until the attacks on September 11, 2001, the mass suicide at Jonestown represented the largest number of American civilian casualties in a single non-natural event – an estimated 900 people willingly drank poison and took their own lives. The word cult has always been thrown around when discussing the tragedy. It implies that the people involved were ...