White People’s Discomfort is Not a Crime

White people calling the police on innocent people of color has become the new trend. Well, not exactly the new trend. It’s been happening for years but, with the power of the internet, it’s the new wave of viral videos blatantly highlighting yet another injustice that we face daily.

But there must be a REASON for White people to feel such unease in all these situations, right? With the police brutality rate against people of color being so high, white people wouldn’t be risking Black people’s lives for folly, right?


Two Black men arrive early for a business meeting at Starbucks. One man asks the manager for the key to the restroom and was informed that the restrooms were for paying customers only. Without any complaint or disorder, he returned to his seat where his companion was awaiting the arrival of another friend to begin the meeting. The police show up TWO minutes later based on claims that the men were trespassing and refused to leave after being asked three times to do so. You can hear outraged White patrons of the restaurant questioning the police as the men were taken away in handcuffs. 


While setting up for a weekend cookout, a White woman approaches a Black family to let them know that she called the police on them. She told them that they were trespassing, were not welcome, and would be going to jail. Trespassing in a PUBLIC park? I’ve heard it all! Once approached by another White woman with her camera in tow, trouble starter changed her tune; the real reason that she called the police was because it is illegal to have a charcoal grill in the park. The video goes on for about 20 more minutes with the devious Charcoal Police running away from the camera, crying as she altered her position from the victor to the victim. 

The video is actually pretty comical and can be found in its entirety here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fh9D_PUe7QI&t=419s


Yale graduate student falls asleep in a common room of her dormitory while working on a paper. Upon seeing this, a white grad student and feminist scholar calls the campus police. “I have every right to call the police, you cannot sleep in that room,” she explains as she takes pictures of the Black woman. The Black student films the entire incident including her encounter with the police, who question if she is authorized to be there although she has and presents her keys and student identification. 


A quartet of guests, three black and one white, check-out of an AirBNB rental property and are surrounded by SEVEN police vehicles. Police exit their cars with their hands on their gun holsters and demand that the group put their hands up. Oh, there was also a helicopter hovering above the scene. Law enforcement was responding to a neighbor’s call claiming three black people were breaking into a nearby home. The caller’s substantiation? The trio refused to smile and her and wave hello… oh, and they were Black. 


Five Black women are playing teeing off on a golf course. There are approached when only on the second hole of the course, told that they are playing too slowly, and offered a refund. Upon consulting a golf course pro, they were told that their pace was fine, and they continue. They opt to skip the third hole to speed up the pace of their game but arrive at the fourth hole to find that the group ahead of them had not teed off yet. By the ninth hole, three of the ladies leave the course due to their discomfort with the situation. After the customary break following the ninth hole, the two remaining players are approached by FIVE white men with a warning to leave the course within five minutes of the police would be called. The police were called because these women were playing the slowest paced game in the world too slowly


Black real estate contractor arrives to take photos of a house that he is looking to buy and flip. He comes bearing documentation. White neighbor runs outside as he is removing a board from the door of the vacant house asking him “What the fuck are you doing?” After calmly explaining that he has a contract on the house and is there to do an inspection, she screams that he “has no right to be here.” The police arrive, the contractor explains the situation and is left alone to do his job. 

In every one of these cases, all the Black victims fear for their lives. A cop car driving behind me is a terrifying ordeal. It physically manifests fear in me – my heart races and my tongue goes numb. But we now understand the power in video proof. We understand that our proof of innocence is beginning to invalidate white people’s fears. These calls are being made from racially motivated biases, or better yet because White people feel uncomfortable when Black people are around.

To my Caucasian folk, I’m sorry but Y'all brought us here. And now we’re here to stay.


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