Rather Be Reading
I know there aren’t too many people who can relate to doing a mundane activity all day when all you want to do is read; but for those who do relate, I hear ya! I could be at work, the gym, or driving myself back to Jacksonville to visit my family, there are some moments when I wish I could ignore the responsibilities of life and escape to a world of narrative fantasy. I found that my taste in books, though not the most eclectic, is popular with my friends’ interest. I’ve been recommending books and receiving praise for my selections from the pickiest of readers. I felt the need to share, especially since some of these novels never get the regard that they deserve. And thus, the first installment of Rather Be Reading was born. “We are used to thinking that what we give is the same as what we receive, but people who love, expecting to be loved in return, are wasting their time. Love is an act of faith, not an exchange.” I’d rather be reading Manuscript found in Accra by...